Bumper Ads

What are Bumper ads and why they are used?

A YouTube bumper ad is a clip, roughly around 6 seconds long that is promoting products of a brand or a brand itself. In those short few seconds we suddenly understand the campaign that the brand is getting across to us before it shuts off and leaves us thinking about the campaign until we view their website, which would entice us to make a purchase. That is the final aim of Bumper Ads after all.

Below is a video explaining Bumper ads which also includes examples.

Bumper Ads that I always come across while on YouTube.

  1.  The First Ever BMW X2.

This ad is so quick it would make you want to go back and watch it again. The quick camera movement is what makes the ad interesting. It makes us want the car to stay still so we can observe it. the strong colour of the car makes it stand out against the pale rocky background,making the car look vibrant and powerful.


2. Tripinc – Reach the World

This Travel Lodge agency also uses quick camera action in this bumper ad. Once again, this makes us want to slow the ad down by pausing it just to see the exact destinations its showing us. The background pictures of each place is something different, showing how diverse all the cities are, making us want to explore them.


3.  Krispy Kreme – the Original Glazed

This ad triggers all our senses. The melted glazing going down through the doughnuts and machine is mouth watering as is the finished doughnuts. The music is different, its catching our attention. The way the sticker saying ‘Made Fresh Daily’ comes in at the end is stamping the impression on us that we need to try them.


How much Bumper ads are costing the company.

You must be thinking that making these bumper ads are a huge expense due to the amount of people the ads are going across to. A cost that companies are taking the chance on to increase sales, but in fact, that’s not always the case. According to YouTube, their ads have around an average of $0.10 – $0.30 cost per view. YouTube are then able to see how their ad is doing on their Analytics account. They can view things such as the majority gender viewing the ad, the best age group the ad is reaching, what countries the ad is most popular at etc.

How to create your own bumper ads.

Bumper ads look very complicated but in fact, its not that hard at all. Of course, some bumper ads are more mesmerising than others due to better skills and knowledge of bumper ads. However, if you want to find out how to create your own, watch this video as it goes through it step-by-step.



– Eilish x

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